Discover the benefits of patient satisfaction surveys

The benefits of patient satisfaction surveys extend beyond simply knowing if a patient was happy with your service. The right data can provide you with useful intelligence you can act on immediately to improve your level of patient care.

Data removes the emotion from your performance evaluations and replaces it with facts. Armed with the power of accurate data, you can make smart decisions that enhance patient care, elevate staff performance and improve your company’s bottom line.

Feedback Innovations’ sophisticated data collection system collects the knowledge you need to make smarter business decisions, effective immediately. No more wasting time trying to find the root causes of patient complaints. Let the data lead you directly to your organizations’ strengths and weaknesses so you can correct issues right away and maximize what you do best.

Trust the EMS Data Collection Experts

Messy or incomplete data tells only half the story. In order to gain a clear picture of your company’s performance, you need careful examination of recent, relevant data. By partnering with Feedback Innovations to manage your data collection, you gain the benefits of patient satisfaction surveys without the piles of paperwork and data entry that can overwhelm your staff.

Focus on What Matters Most

Immediately identify your organization’s strengths and weaknesses without wasting time and resources on expensive outside consultants.

Improve Payment Remittance

Happy patients are less likely to engage in billing disputes. Increase patient satisfaction to improve the bottom line.

Hone in on Problem Areas

The right data, right at your fingertips. Sort and filter information by demographic, location, time frame, topic or individual staff member.

Make Better Decisions

Learn how you fare against your competition. Compare your organization’s performance to industry benchmarks and focus your efforts on surpassing the status quo.

Become Patient-Centric

Discover your patients’ biggest concerns about your service so you can make corrections and exceed their expectations.

Accurately Evaluate Staff

Generate unbiased reports for use in performance evaluations to reward exceptional staff members and identify individuals who need additional training or support.

Prove Your Accountability

Prove that patients and healthcare providers value your organization. Demonstrate how you are working to exceed expectations in the future.

Fulfill Accreditation Requirements

Meet Commission on the Accreditation of Ambulance Service's (CAAS) requirements. We'll focus on patient satisfaction surveys and reporting. You focus on lifesaving care.

Visit Our Knowledge Center

Gain valuable insights from thought leaders in the EMS community and learn more about how measuring patient satisfaction can help your organization.

Visit Our Knowledge Center

Don’t just get data, get intelligence. Request a demo today.

Let us show you how this easy, cost-effective solution can help you build a more efficient and effective EMS organization. Access vital information to make smart decisions based on reality, not anecdotal evidence. Discover how other clients are using data collection to improve their organizations on a daily basis and how our system can help you succeed.