Industry Intelligence and Patient Satisfaction Tools from EMS Thought Leaders

Access important industry insights based on information derived from our sophisticated patient satisfaction tools. Discover how data can immediately improve your organization’s performance and how the emergency medical services industry is using these EMS-specific patient satisfaction tools to evolve and elevate the level of care throughout the field.

Patient Satisfaction Tools: Ask the right questions – make the right decisions

By Chris Postiglione, MSN, MPH, RN, NREMT-P
Those of us of a certain age can remember going to the library and digging through a card catalogue or the stacks for an article (any article) that remotely met the assignment requirements.  Or even better, choosing the country to write a report about based on the last Encyclopedia Britannica our parents picked up at the grocery store.

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EMS Patient Care Trends: What’s Working & What’s Not in 2016

2016 is shaping up to be a banner year for EMS providers, with lots of gains over previous years in improving patient satisfaction. After evaluating the responses contained in of some of our clients’ patient satisfaction surveys and speaking with leaders in our industry, we have uncovered some of the top patient care trends that demonstrate how EMS providers are listening and adapting to patient care needs.

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Ambulance Industry Patient Satisfaction Report – Now Available

EMS providers are tasked with improving patient satisfaction in order to justify their budgets (in the case of municipal providers) or to remain competitive when contracts come up for bid (in the case of private companies).
Understanding current trends and challenges in the EMT services industry can help you gauge your own organization’s effectiveness against other providers and help you gain a clearer perspective on how patients view the EMS profession.

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Patient Satisfaction Surveys: How EMS Leadership Can Advance Data-Driven Innovation

EMS providers understand the value of recording and tracking vital signs for patients. These important readings inform decision making when time is of the essence and lives are on the line. However, too many EMS providers overlook the powerful indicators that data can provide about their own company’s vitality. Instead they adopt a “business as usual” attitude that becomes increasingly out of touch with a rapidly evolving industry.

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Patient Satisfaction Tools: Why Do We Need “The Data”?

The American engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and management consultant, William Edwards Demming, answered that question by quipping, “Without data you’re just another person with an opinion.”
While that might sound like a witty response for use during a county budget hearing, he was painfully correct. There are varied reasons why having the data is necessary.

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Don’t just get data, get intelligence. Request a demo today.

Let us show you how this easy, cost-effective solution can help you build a more efficient and effective EMS organization. Access vital information to make smart decisions based on reality, not anecdotal evidence. Discover how other clients are using data collection to improve their organizations on a daily basis and how our system can help you succeed.